A performance update + small devlog.
Well, I haven't had that much time to work on the game for now, but I am making some progress at least. I've made major improvements on the performance end of things, and I hope it'll allow even more people to play the game more smoothly. Please let me know if performance got better or worse, regardless of your platform of choise.
That aside, I am changing some things, having some more ideas and all that.
I am struggling with writing at the moment due to my job getting into my head, but it's no biggie, I'll get back into it, eventually. Just gotta wait for that perfect day to write something good, don't want to rush with mediocre crap. Still working on Tichi town and the NPCs within, I've added them to the codebase at least, so all that is left is to write for them more.
Right now, my focus is pretty much: Improve performance, add some more stuff to first area, then move over to Act 2 and start working on the big town.
I also had some thoughts about publishing stuff.
I think I'd be more than happy to release the game on Steam, but, I don't earn that much money to get a license for that stuff (Blame the difference in countries and the difference in money! Wew!).
Same goes to Google Play, a GPlay release would be great (and actually affordable.), but unfortunately unlike with Steam where (I think?) I might be able to release the game uncensored, with GPlay it might have to be censored.
But. It's too early to think about that to be honest. I want the game to improve, and not just be something as awful as early access games that never finish, hell, thats why i scaled the game's size down before, it's too damn ambitious for one guy, and I know that. Plus, with Google Play i'd need to have a finished product. But maybe I could make a modified demo instead once there's just a bit more content... hm, time will tell.
Anyhows, here's the minor changelog.
-Dev ver exclusive: Added a switch for turning sfw mode on in the main menu. (Easier to debug this way anyways.)
-Removed the patreon button because, it's not needed or used anymore.
-Fixed the chains looking weird on anything but 16:9 resolution in settings on certain menus.
-Added a new system which allows for companions to talk with each other at camp. It works depending on the companions you have in your camp, so the more you have the more likely you'll hear some stuff. There's not much yet, but the system works.
-XP gain reworked, now scales properly and transfers the extra xp onto the next xp level bar. With that, the saving and loading XP is now also working properly and scales correctly with each save/load.
-Added extra magic skills for player to learn. Though their visual effects are also placeholdery.
-Fixed a bug in the skill menu that sometimes shown skills as learned, even though in reality they weren't.
-Adding NPCs to the Tichi, although they are just placeholders, don't expect them to have any dialogue beside some buggy placeholdery stuff.
-Adding the ability for the player to learn support skills, although there's not much of them yet, the base system for that was set up to work.
-Added the new type of support spell, it allows you to cure status elements of the playable characters.
-Greatly(?) improved performance on lower end devices/resolutions (Reduced draw calls, lighting, etc...). Although I can't confirm that the changes will improve performance for everyone, but it sure runs way better on my end. It boosted the performance.(Yes it might look a bit uglier, but. That's the sacrifice I am willing to take for the performance increase. I think it might actually... run on a raspberry pi now? Who knows. Gotta get that Linux build going someday! )
-Reverted female MC change for the demo, she can be picked and played as again. (Though, there are still no sexclusive scenes for her. And the UI in the character creator doesn't represent her whatsoever. I genuinely think I might have to outsource her or ask for help with her because, I still have never wrote stuff from the female character's perspective and i don't want to fuck it up.)
And uh, here's a small example of improved performance.
I used to get around 180-200fps before the performance adjustements, now i get 200-400+ depending on the situation and location, where it was always 180-ish before.
Here's just a small example of the major performance improvements. Pretty happy with that, although I am sure there might be more ways to improve it down the line.

Also... Thank you all again for the follows, but just letting you know uh, I am not a very social dude, so I don't often login to check unless i have something to show. So don't worry if I don't post much, it's just coming back with nothing makes me feel awkward. Hope that's understandable, hehe.
As usual if you have any questions and such, feel free to ask me or email me. I don't check the emails or this page very often, but, when I do i'll always try to respond.
Get Zetharis [Dev page. Unstable.]
Zetharis [Dev page. Unstable.]
An JRPG-like dungeon crawler, with some adult-game elements.
Status | In development |
Author | ScaryScary |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Adult, android, developement_build, Dungeon Crawler, Furry, NSFW, scalie, Tactical RPG, unstable |
More posts
- Not so great news.Dec 07, 2020
- Update released. 10/11/2020 + Scale of the game.Nov 10, 2020
- Update releasedSep 28, 2020
- New update soon-ish. Changelog below.Sep 27, 2020
- Wow. I am a dummy. I forgot to enable downloads on this page.Aug 16, 2020
- Just some news and suchJul 15, 2020
- Changelog, the demo is up.Jun 30, 2020
- It's almost ready. New pages + info.Jun 28, 2020
- Everything is going smoothly!Jun 15, 2020
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unsure if the download link works, can't really see where you go to download this patch but looking forward to checking it out!
Oh my god. I totally forgot to set the downloads from not being hidden and i was busy at work so i couldn't go through my emails. Sorry about that. Should be avaliable soon