A new patch and some meh news.

Heya otherworlders, another version is upon us.

There is no new content since this patch was a polish patch. You know the drill. The next patch after this will have more content.

I’d like to remind that this is the way patching goes for me: Polish > Content > Polish > Content. Etc etc.

Anyways. I’ll be honest, I’ve got some problems with health right now, so the next patch MIGHT come delayed due to me visiting clinics. Long story short, it could be kidney infection, but I am not sure yet. Just dropping it here so you know if the next patch will take longer to complete, it’s probably due to that. Thanks for understanding.


Regardless. Here’s the changelog.

Ver 0.047:

-Volcano adjusted for visibility's sake. (Originally it was more visible during night time, but should be just as visible during the day time now.)

-Added the ability to run away from combat. (Disabled when encountering a boss.) It works like a reaction check. So instead of having random percentages for running away, it’ll depend on your skill. If you fail to run away, the enemy will attack. So be prepared.

-Enemy draining is now fully implemented, means enemies will drain your damage and heal if you hit them with the element they are immune to. That was a bitch to get to work, but hey, it’s here now.

-Fixed a couple of mistakes in the text. They were so minor you probably wouldn’t notice.

-Added/Fixed a few more things in Redrik's battle encounter.

-UI Sounds have been changed.

-Some minor world related changes, nothing too huge. Mostly just me testing the optimization and mesh merging. I’ll probably polish it up once the first map’s layout will be fully complete.

-Added some more stuff to the overworld map. Mainly for testing purposes, so switching locations is now possible. The controls for the overworld map are still unoptimized for mobile yet. But I am working on it.

-Minor bug fixes related to combat, buttons.

-Minor adjustments to the inventory system have been made to work with the chest system that I have implemented.

-Speaking of which, At last, chests are now in the game. Meaning you'll be able to find loot and money across the map  now.

-You can now check character skills and weaknesses in camp. That should help you understand which characters you want in your party and which you would rather not. That being said, the feature to remove a party member from your party is not implemented yet. But once again, I am working on it.

-Some minor UI changes. Don’t worry about it. It’s barely noticeable.


And at last, here are some thoughts:

I’ve been working on a few extra features in background, I’ll announce them with the next patch. It’s a bit… strange? I think? As in, that feature goes against some things in the game, but. I think it works pretty well during my tests. I am not saying what that feature is yet, but, keep an eye out, I suppose.

Another thought: Generic NPCs.

Initially, I’ve planned to make every NPC unique and at least somewhat interesting. Lately I realized that writing a lot of characters might be a bit of a problem… I don’t plan on giving up on it by any means. But. I am thinking. Many other RPG games have at least some NPCs that just… spit out a line or two and be done with it. Kind of like. Generic Villagers, or guards or whatever. Surely if you played old games like final fantasy or just any recent RPG maker games, you know what I mean.

Either way. I think generic NPCs are a great time saver, and a way to fill the world with “illusive content”, as in, makes it feel more full. But there’s a counter point to that.

It also makes the world feel incredibly bloody stale. Having NPCs that just stand and say “I am villager. I stink.” Or whatever without any changes makes the world feel incredibly fake. I don’t want that. I am not saying my NPCs are better right now, but I still try to make them somewhat unique and interactable.

Anyway. My point is, I am currently conflicted on whether or not I should use generic NPCs. On the one hand it’s easy content. On another hand it’s really shitty, and I feel like that would impact what little quality there is in the game already.

So eh.

Thanks for reading my dumb dev thoughts.

Enjoy the new version. (even if there’s no real content in this patch, sorry.)


01.03.2020_Android.zip (0.047) (old) 40 MB
Mar 01, 2020
01.03.2020_Windows.zip (0.047) (old) 42 MB
Mar 01, 2020

Get Zetharis [Dev page. Unstable.]


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If u do end up making generic npcs maybe color code them so we know there just for information and not a potential hookup